Polar Bear Week

Polar Bear Week is the first week of November! In 2022, the dates are Oct. 30 - Nov. 5. Join us by donating, tuning into our live events, taking part in the “Detect and Protect” Polar Bear Challenge, and more.

Join Our Awareness Event

Polar Bears International created Polar Bear Week to coincide with the annual gathering of polar bears near Churchill, Canada, as they wait for sea ice to form on Hudson Bay so they can return to hunting seals. Sea ice loss from human-caused climate change is the single biggest threat to polar bears.

Polar bear face

Photo: Emily Ringer

Let’s Make An Impact

This year, we’re raising funds to research the development of “Detect and Protect” technology to alert communities of approaching bears, a growing problem as the bears spend more time onshore. The goal is to help polar bears and people coexist—keeping both from harm.

Protecting Polar Bears and People

Every fall, polar bears gather on the shores of Hudson Bay to wait for the sea ice to return so they can hunt their seal prey. But the summer ice-free period is three to four weeks longer than it was in the 1980s, straining the limits of the bears’ fat reserves.

Across the Arctic, melting sea ice from climate warming is driving more polar bears ashore in more places—and for longer periods. This is leading to an uptick in encounters with people—encounters that too often end in tragedy.

Ground-based radar systems show great promise as early warning devices that can trigger alerts and prevent encounters, saving the lives of both polar bears and people. With your help, we can develop this protective technology for use across the North—keeping bears and people safe.

Special thanks to RBC Tech For Nature for their generous ongoing support of our Detect and Protect project and to individual donors for their support.

Get Involved This Polar Bear Week

Photo: Simon Gee / Polar Bears International

A polar bear mom and her two cubs

Check Out Our Toolkit

Interested in using your voice and platform to raise awareness? Our toolkit provides extra action tools, resources, and ways to get involved!

Did You Know?

Polar Bears International is committed to reducing conflict between polar bears and people, a growing problem across the North. In addition to developing Bear-dar “Detect and Protect” systems, we are working with partners on:

  • Supporting the efforts of northern communities to coexist with polar bears and become “bear safe”

  • Researching and sharing information on the best deterrence methods, including bear spray

  • Supporting efforts to reduce food attractants in northern communities, including providing bear-resistant waste bins to the town of Churchill

  • Creating standardized safety messaging for use throughout bear country

  • Developing “bear safe” coloring books for children in northern communities

Learn More About Polar Bear-Human Conflict

Upcoming Broadcasts

12:00 pm

*Special Event: Tundra Reflections with JoAnne Simerson* - Live Chat

After decades of traveling around the Arctic to watch polar bears, JoAnne Simerson may have more hours of polar bear viewing than almost anyone in the world. She has been a critical player in Polar Bears International programming for many years and it’s time for her to share her knowledge, and stories, with you!

After decades of traveling around the Arctic to watch polar bears, JoAnne Simerson may have more hours of polar bear viewing than almost anyone in the world. She has been a critical player in Polar Bears International programming for many years and it’s time for her to share her knowledge, and stories, with you!

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